Step 1: Go to the forum
You will need to first go to the Community forum in order to edit your member profile. Editing your profile will take around 5 minutes but will greatly enhance your community experience.
Step 2: Access your profile

When on the forum you will see your name in the top right hand corner, next to the envelope (private messages) and bell (notifications) icons. Click on your name and then click on ‘Profile’ from the list that pops up.
Step 3: Change your photo

On your Profile page there will be a circular photo area in the left hand corner next to your name. Click on ‘Profile Photo’ here to add your photo.

In the photo pop up you can choose to either upload your photo from your website, select a URL to load your photo from or you can simply select for your photo to be pulled from your account (this is also where the image that displays on your members dashboard is pulled from). If you select the Gravatar option simply enter the email address linked to your account.
Simply click done when you have uploaded your photo or linked to your Gravatar account and your image will now be saved to your profile.

You can also add a cover photo to your profile by clicking the ‘Cover Photo’ button in the top right of the profile header area.
Step 4: Edit Your Profile Details

In the top right of your profile, in the cover photo area, is an ‘Edit Profile’ button. Click this in order to open the editing screen where you can add some details about yourself, including your website address. This enables other members to get to know you a little better.

Step 5: Change your Display Name
By default your display name on the forum will be your username that you login to the site with. As other members will see this you may want to change this to something more suitable, such as your real name. In order to do this, go to ‘Account Settings’ in the drop down under your name.

In the options that appear on the left hand side you will see ‘Display Name’. Click here to enter a new name to show on the forum.
Step 6: Add a Signature
On the Account Settings page you will also see a link called ‘Signature’ in the left hand menu. Here you can add any text or links that you would like to display at the bottom of all your posts on the forum. This is a great way to easily let other members know a little about what you do or to add your site links. Feel free to also add links to your blog, podcast etc here too. Please don't go overboard.

Step 7: Start Posting!
You’re now all set to starting posting on the forum so jump right in and introduce yourself in the forum here. You can start a new thread by simply clicking the orange ‘Start New Topic’ button in the top right of the forum category page.

As well as introducing yourself do jump into existing threads throughout the forum and remember you can start your own thread at any time!